
Database Setup

HyperLaunch uses Neon, a serverless Postgres database with a generous free tier

Setting up Neon

  1. Go to neon.tech and create an account
  2. Create a new project
  3. Copy your connection string from the connection details page

Your connection string should look something like this



In your .env.local file, add the following environment variables:


Note: Currently, both DATABASE_URL and AUTH_DRIZZLE_URL must point to the same connection string. This is a known limitation that will be simplified in a future update to use a single environment variable.

Database script

With our connection string added in our .env.local file, we can now run the database script:

pnpm run setup

This script will install your dependencies with pnpm, run your database migrations and clean up the project git history.

You can have a look in your schema.ts to see the tables about to be added to.

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