
Set Up Your Domain

While a domain is not strictly necessary to use HyperLaunch, it's recommended to set one up early because:

  • It's required for sending emails with Resend
  • It's needed for magic link login functionality

If you've already chosen your SaaS name, you should secure your domain now.

Getting a Domain

Not sure where to get one? I recommend Hostinger - they offer domains starting at just $4/year.


Once you've secured your domain, open config.ts and update the configuration object:

export const siteConfig: SiteConfig = {
  appName: "Cool Saas",
  domainName: "coolsaas.pro",
  appDescription: "Short and catchy description",
  tagline: "Your tagline here",
  homePage: "/home",
  onboarding: true,
  defaultEmail: "hello@tasktango.pro",
  logoChoice: "chip",

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